A Productive Waste of My Time: Pressure Free Productivity
How many things can one person do in a day? We take care of loved ones, work go to school, or organize mundane tasks that fill our time all day long. All we do are things, but sometimes it feels like we are never done. It can be overwhelming to add that the pantry needs sorted or those pots need to be planted, or even worse, guilt free personal time... What is something, just one thing you can do today that feel like something got done? Psychologically it feels like productivity to make a list and check it off, even if it is nothing more than a five-minute task. That five-minute task can lead you to the next indicated thing that may only take five minutes but feels like things are getting done. (Go ahead and add that to the list after and check it off for self-gratification too... :) As humans we feel good when we complete accomplishments, and even though sometimes it feels like there is too much to get done, starting with one thing sets the momentum for even more. The next in the series " A Productive Waste of My Time", is not only the easiest goal setting journal ever but is you, yes you, Completing 365 Intentions in 52 Weeks. Sometimes they may be mundane, sometimes they might be deeply personal, but all are for you to accomplish goals without any pressure. 228 pages outlined for you to fill in with a little bit of reflection at the end. Thats all.
The easiest goal setting journal ever.
- Create a broad list of goals for the year.
- Forecast each week as intentions. If an intention isn't set in motion, move it into the following week.
- Break down one goal (or more) to achieve every day.
- Bullet pages for habit tracking.
- Feel Accomplished.
You don't even have to reflect until the end of the year.
Get ready to get 365 personal accomplishments done in 52 weeks.